We perform occupational therapy independent educational evaluations (IEE). This type of evaluation may be performed on-site at our facility in Garden Grove, CA and observations are also conducted at your child's school campus.
What is an IEE?
An IEE is like a “second opinion,” and assists in the determination of the educational needs of a child with special needs. It is usually obtained when you disagree with the assessment results and recommendations in developing the IEP performed by your school district. As a result, parents/guardians seek out an independent, unbiased expert to conduct the assessment.
When we conduct our occupational therapy IEE, we will look at skills that may impact your child’s ability to fully access their educational environment.
We may assess the following areas as it impacts the educational environment:
Fine motor skills
Visual motor skills
Visual perceptual skills
Motor planning skills
Sensory processing skills
Attention to tasks
Daily living skills
Why choose KID FUNdamentals for an IEE?
IEEs are currently performed by Ms. Leslie, who has extensive experience working in both school-based occupational therapy and clinic/medically-based occupational therapy, and specializes working with the pediatrics population for 16 years. There is a difference between the two settings and often times some evaluators do not know the difference, which is very important when it comes to providing recommendations to help your child. Ms. Leslie will take the time to work with you and your child’s educational team to collaborate with a plan for your child’s IEP to help benefit them and accessing their education at school.
Please notify your child's school district if you would like to have an IEE performed by KID FUNdamentals Therapy Center. School districts usually initiate the IEE process after a request is made by parent/guardian by contacting us at 714-750-9700 or info@kidfundamentalstherapy.com.